Saturday, May 31, 2014

redheadfullofsteam | coming down upon the opponents of vaping with great vengeance and furious anger…

On World No Tobacco Day...... Redhead Full of Steam hits it and hits it hard, she turns the tables on WHO, Smokers and now Vapers we have had it with SHAMING, BLAMING and TAXING to death!  BULLSEYE!

redheadfullofsteam | coming down upon the opponents of vaping with great vengeance and furious anger…

Friday, May 30, 2014

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: New Study of Trajectory of E-Cigarette Use Suggest...

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: New Study of Trajectory of E-Cigarette Use Suggest...: In one of the first studies to examine the trajectory of electronic cigarette use over time, Lechner and colleagues have shown that extended...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Offsetting Behaviour: Public Health and the Regulatory State

Offsetting Behaviour: Public Health and the Regulatory State: Pierre Lemieux points to the growing health regulatory state . The abstract: Public health has moved from the public good component of hea...

Tobacco Truth: For Smokers Only: The E-Book With Bonus E-Cig Chapter

Electronic cigarettes: time for an accurate and evidence-based debate - Hitchman - 2014 - Addiction - Wiley Online Library

vapingpoint: Mark Twain - would have been a cloud chaser - yes?...

vapingpoint: Mark Twain - would have been a cloud chaser - yes?...:  Mark Twain - forever young! And what a blogger he'd have made. “The Moral Statistician.” Originally published in Sketches, Old and ...

Sunday, May 25, 2014

vapingpoint: Kicking puppies - the future for vapers and vendor...

My two cents: "I am so ashamed that I ever lived 20 years in that San Francisco city.  EVILE to the CORE!  .... just a funny little blast from the past.  

In 1979, I was 24 years old, I had smoked since 13 and had some issues.  I caught a virus cold, and it became very bad bronchitis.  I was doing office work in San Francisco financial district, down on the street for my 20 minute break.  I tried to smoke, but it made me miserable hacking.  I saw these vendors passing out free samples of cigarettes, 5 in a pack.  I had a daydream of sorts, I remember it like yesterday.... I was wishing someone would invent a cigarette that I liked as well that didn't harm my health........... WOW!  I have been vaping now since 2010 after 40 years of smoking and can breath clearly.  When I catch colds they are gone in a day or two.  No more bronchitis, wheezing and when I ride my bicycle up hills and for miles no gasping for breath.  THANK YOU FOR VAPING EVERYONE and for FIGHTING FOR OUR LIVES.  THANK YOU CASAA.ORG.... (please join if you haven't we need to form an army to fight against this bigotry that Liz so thoughtfully shared.... and in San Francisco what a terrible shame).... "

vapingpoint: Kicking puppies - the future for vapers and vendor...: This was a comment on a guest post on my post - Brilliant guest post from Geoff Cliff - do share."When did they change the Law?" ...

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: New Study of Trajectory of E-Cigarette Use Suggest...


The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: New Study of Trajectory of E-Cigarette Use Suggest...: In one of the first studies to examine the trajectory of electronic cigarette use over time, Lechner and colleagues have shown that extended...

CASAA: Second Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations...

CASAA: Second Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations...: On Thursday, May 8th, CASAA released the  Overview of its Action Plan Regarding Proposed FDA Regulations .   On May 11, 2014, CASAA released...

Friday, May 23, 2014

CASAA: Second Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations...

CASAA: Second Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations...: On Thursday, May 8th, CASAA released the  Overview of its Action Plan Regarding Proposed FDA Regulations .   On May 11, 2014, CASAA released...

CASAA: Call to Action! North Carolina Bill would Impose ...

CASAA: Call to Action! North Carolina Bill would Impose ...: UPDATE 5-23-14 :  Having raced through the House, the bill is now in the Senate Finance Committee.  It is IMPERATIVE that vapers and harm re...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Dick Puddlecote: Poo Sticks

Dick Puddlecote: Poo Sticks: I expect there are some UK politicians thinking that once plain packaging is passed (despite overwhelming public rejection ) there can't...

CASAA: Call to Action! California Ban on Internet Sales ...

CASAA: Call to Action! California Ban on Internet Sales ...: Last updated 5/21/14   UPDATE 5/21/14:   AB 1500 is not dead . . . we need to generate phone calls and faxes to members of th...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Devil In the Details: Follow the Money and give yourself a migraine and ...

The Devil In the Details: Follow the Money and give yourself a migraine and ...: Read the entire thing. It's enlightening. If you follow the money (it will give you migraines lol) you can see why the governments ar...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: Tobacco Control Legal Consortium Supports Deeming ...

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: Tobacco Control Legal Consortium Supports Deeming ...: The Tobacco Control Legal Consortium (TCLC) is urging the public to write to the FDA and encourage the agency to strengthen the proposed dee...

Dick Puddlecote: Health 'Experts' Gutted At Good News

Dick Puddlecote: Health 'Experts' Gutted At Good News: While the tobacco control industry has been chuntering on about how they know nothing about e-cigs so want them banned or restricted, the re...

The View from Cullingworth: Today's health fascism starts with the internation...

The View from Cullingworth: Today's health fascism starts with the internation...: **** Two things strike me about this report - the first is that it was entirely predictable once some idiot decided plain packs for ciga...

Monday, May 19, 2014

Dick Puddlecote: Carry On Smoking, Spain And America

Dick Puddlecote: Carry On Smoking, Spain And America: Mike Siegel has today highlighted the absurd position of the CDC and FDA towards e-cigs and how they are effectively turning vapers back to...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dick Puddlecote: In A Nutshell

Dick Puddlecote: In A Nutshell: Busy times here in Puddlecoteville but here's a quick gem from an article I read in the office this afternoon over a corned beef and pic...

Dick Puddlecote: "Inhaling Stuff = Smoking"

Dick Puddlecote: "Inhaling Stuff = Smoking": See, this is why I love e-cigs. The most intolerant and anti-social in society - aided by their lack of intelligence and astounding gullib...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Simon Clark - Taking Liberties - Tory MPs in open revolt against plain packaging

Monday, May 12, 2014

CASAA: First Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations ...

CASAA: First Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations ...: On Thursday, May 8th, CASAA released the  Overview of its Action Plan Regarding Proposed FDA Regulation s .   This is the first of several C...

Why I get angry: My Non-Smoking Story

Why I get angry: My Non-Smoking Story: I am not normally a soap-box orator, but some matters get me fighting mad. I used to smoke. Over a fifty-year period I consumed cigarett...

CASAA: First Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations - Consumer Request for an Extension of Comment Period

Friday, May 09, 2014

Vape Tonight - Apology by Song.

Dick Puddlecote: The New Flat Earthers

Dick Puddlecote: The New Flat Earthers: Commenting on the incredible incompetence of the Western Australian government in banning e-cigs , shyster of the week is  Roger Magnusson, ...

Dick Puddlecote: Karl Fagerstrom has some factual information about nicotine as a stand-alone addiction.  This validates your point.

vapingpoint: Dearly beloved, let us join together to remember, ...

THE LIST GOES ON INFINITEM vapingpoint: Dearly beloved, let us join together to remember, ...: Geoff Cliff posted the piece I am publishing below on Facebook. He does not have a blog - but he should have! I believe that the self est...

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: Senators Calling for Ban on Flavors in E-Cigarette...

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: Senators Calling for Ban on Flavors in E-Cigarette...: A group of U.S. Congressmembers - including Dick Durbin (D-IL), John D. Rockefeller (D-WV), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Edward J. Markey (D-...

Friday, May 02, 2014

Thank You for Vaping: Libertarians vs. New York City's E-Cig Ban

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: CDC Continues to Spread Unsupported Propaganda and...

Let's not tip toe through the tulips when lives that could be saved by the billions of dollars in taxes those lives pay to entrusted government agencies such as the CDC & FDA, only to to be put in tobacco harms way, rather than encouraged towards tobacco harm reduction, with the Electronic Cigarettes, which are so miraculous, that by contrast we see what evil corruption there is. Shameful is putting it mild, criminal is the actual truth, a government agency that is responsible to the people of The United States of America that spreads, lies, fear and propoganda should be held accountable in every consequential way.  For every smoker that will now or in the future die from smoking related illnesses, these rogue agencies, with dirty blood money on their hands,  should be charged with murder and made to do in perpetuity, restitution payments to all those victims and their families until all the MSA payments paid in perpetuity are gone.  After all that money is generated by the consumers the smokers themselves!

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: CDC Continues to Spread Unsupported Propaganda and...: In an article published early this week in the Los Angeles Times , CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden issues a blistering attack on electronic...

CDC Director Says Switching From Smoking to Vaping Is a 'Misconception' - Hit & Run :

Will FDA Regulation Preserve Or Destroy The E-Cigarette Industry?

Thursday, May 01, 2014

E-cigarettes are making tobacco obsolete. So why ban them? » The Spectator

Clearing the Air