Sunday, June 29, 2014

Free To Vape $1000 Vaping Giveaway!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

CASAA: Call to Action! Pennsylvania Legislators Are Cons...

CASAA: Call to Action! Pennsylvania Legislators Are Cons...: As Pennsylvania legislators scramble to fill a budget deficit of over $1 billion, a tax on electronic cigarettes is  being considered .  Ru...

Ron Paul Classic: Just say NO to FDA regulation of tobacco - Campaign for Liberty

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

CASAA: Call to Action! California Ban on Internet Sales ...

CASAA: Call to Action! California Ban on Internet Sales ...: Last updated 6/23/14   UPDATE 6/23/14:  SB 648 has been amended!   What was once a bill that would have banned e-cigarette us...

Monday, June 23, 2014

Michigan: Ask Governor to Sign SB 668 Prohibiting Sales to Minors

Monday, June 16, 2014

CASAA: CASAA Public Service Announcement

CASAA: CASAA Public Service Announcement: Note: This is the first in a series of blog posts featuring CASAA's public service announcement graphics. According to the most...

CASAA: CASAA Public Service Announcement #2

CASAA: CASAA Public Service Announcement #2: Just about everything we do or consume has some risk involved. Even something as innocuous as fresh produce, such as spinach, can have ...

CASAA: CASAA Public Service Announcement #3

CASAA: CASAA Public Service Announcement #3: "Harm reduction" is the act of making a risky behavior safer. There are risks we take every day - including driving. In fact,...

CASAA: CASAA Public Service Announcement #4

CASAA: CASAA Public Service Announcement #4: In 1990, the CDC reported that the smoking rate was 25.5% (around 46 million) adult smokers, so when the smoking rate dropped to 19....

Saturday, June 14, 2014

vapingpoint: Thank you for sleeping with the enemy

vapingpoint: Thank you for sleeping with the enemy: Vapourtrails TV   and their whole team, have done a huge amount of work on behalf of vapers - in promoting vaping and more specifically, ke...

Friday, June 13, 2014

Ask members of Congress to Hold Congressional Hearings Regarding the FDA and CDC Actions

vapingpoint: You lot MAKE ME SICK

vapingpoint: You lot MAKE ME SICK: Tobacco Control - (in capitals) means the complete collection of tobacco control businesses in the Tobacco Control Industry. So, as I have...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: It's Official: Big Pharma is Lobbying Against Elec...

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: It's Official: Big Pharma is Lobbying Against Elec...: I have long argued that tobacco control advocates who have financial ties to Big Pharma must disclose these ties if they opine about nationa...

Sunday, June 08, 2014

vapingpoint: Imagine this

vapingpoint: Imagine this: Imagine - let your mind go free..... Imagine a world where everyone - or rather MOST people vape. That is, imagine a world like it used ...

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Dick Puddlecote: Australia's Recipe For Failure

Dick Puddlecote: Australia's Recipe For Failure: Just an aside to the news that plain packaging has led to an increase in tobacco consumption in Australia , I found this quite interesting. ...

CASAA: Overview of CASAA's Action Plan Regarding Proposed...

CASAA: Overview of CASAA's Action Plan Regarding Proposed...: Two weeks ago the FDA released its proposed regulation attempting to exert regulatory authority over e-cigarettes as tobacco prod...

Friday, June 06, 2014

Free to Vape

Free to Vape

......." provides you an easy communications tool to provide your thoughts and comments directly to the FDA, your Congressman, your Senators, and to those Committee Members in Congress who will be reviewing and approving the regulations.

We know you want your submittal to be as effective and impactive as it possibly can be. For the FDA, we will be printing out your submittal onto paper and dropping it off directly at their offices. For your Congressman/ Senators/ the Committee Members - we will directly fax your submittal to them in real time.
The deadline for Public Comment ends July 9th, 2014. It is so important that we all band together and make a difference as quickly as we can. The voice of the many is loud and clear!
By law, the FDA has to review and record each submission. This is where and you come in. This website is a place where YOU, the concerned vaper, can have a voice that will be heard.
We have been given an opportunity to save the vaping experience. We need your help. Let us stand as a singular voice, and save the innovative masterpiece that is the vaping community....."

Monday, June 02, 2014

Why I get angry: “O Lorde, have mercy upon us miserable offendours”...

Why I get angry: “O Lorde, have mercy upon us miserable offendours”...: Very little, it seems, has changed in many centuries of human history. Even in the modern world of scientific research and immense knowledg...