Tuesday, April 29, 2014

William Collins: Meanwhile, the war on tobacco limps ahead

William Collins: Meanwhile, the war on tobacco limps ahead

My comment awaiting (dis-approval) is:

People do all sorts of things, that others in ivory towers can call a lack of self-control. Usually making their livings in so called Public Health fields, experts at controlling others for their own monetary benefit, interestingly. Since the 1500's smoking has been critically acclaimed. Your tone is somewhat remorseful, but mostly it is arrogance, ignorance and the greedy under-pinnings are hard to ignore. Without smokers who would you be going after? A revolution is underway and smokers are throwing off the cloak that anti-smoking biggots the grim reapers throw at them while robbing them financially, of their peace of mind, their rights to liberty and privacy. More than ever millions and the numbers are trebling each year, are fed up as smokers and no longer are they interested in paying for these off the cuff insults, the shaming, blaming and unfair taxations to death. When bullies don't have their victims to push around, they re-create their victims they hound them with relentless smear campaigns, lies and propoganda. The MSA payments should be given to any smoker in whatever amounts they need to afford the Electronic Cigarettes, which millions of ex-smokers worldwide have happily moved away from the trap of smoking to E-Cigarettes that are 99% safer as an alternative along with other smokeless tobacco products, and that is FACTUAL. There persecutors don't like this, they would be woo woo lonely without their favorite punching bags, cigarette smokers. The monotony the low droning sounds of the (neo) racism, having nothing to do with ethnicity and race, yet everything to do with an inflated sense of superiority complete with fluffing up of one's chest with bravado ringing of entitlement issues! Mind your own business!"..........Let er rip!

vapingpoint: These articles and blogs are certainly sufficient ...

vapingpoint: These articles and blogs are certainly sufficient ...: I used to get such funny comments on my blog before I went and stupidly linked my blog to Google+. I can't decide if it was a good thing...

Dick Puddlecote: Where Was The Pharma Cavalry?

Dick Puddlecote: Where Was The Pharma Cavalry?: There was a blaze of publicity yesterday on the subject of e-cigs but something, usually ubiquitous, was missing. You see, ASH produced a ...

Monday, April 28, 2014

CASAA: FDA regulation of e-cigarettes: huge costs, little...

CASAA: FDA regulation of e-cigarettes: huge costs, little...: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, April 28, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rele...

I Like Flavors

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Vaping vs Smoking filter test

U.S. Government Killed OUR Internet Today

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

vapingpoint: Vapers and smokers, do you know about screwing?

Don't screw your equipment too hard.  LOL learning about technology from experience.

vapingpoint: Vapers and smokers, do you know about screwing?: Vapers and smokers, do you know about screwing? No, I don't mean being screwed by the profitable employment of the anti tobacco cult z...

Dick Puddlecote: Burn The FT Heretics!

Dick Puddlecote: Burn The FT Heretics!: The FT yesterday produced something of a rarity these days , an editorial which ignored tobacco control industry bullshit and told the truth...

The Foggy Mirror: And Then Normal or Not….

In Response: Editorial incorrect on the risks of e-cigarettes | Duluth News Tribune

Monday, April 21, 2014

Triple Times: Butterfly On A Wheel (Again)

Brilliant Essay....
Triple Times: Butterfly On A Wheel (Again): Having been a relatively new convert to 'Vaping', since January 2014, the good news of my release from a 50 year sentence of smoking...

Nic Fit - News and Features - Baltimore City Paper

E-Cigarette Restrictions 'For The Children' Could Be Deadly For Adults

vapingpoint: Should vapers just smoke cigarettes?

vapingpoint: Should vapers just smoke cigarettes?: Making time for vaping in a safe place  should demonstrate the pointlessness of banning vaping when vapers can pretty much vape anywhere ...

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Bankers got this commerical banned in Switzerland (too much truth presumably)

Bankers got this commerical banned in Switzerland (too much truth presumably)

Letter: Balance the debate over e-cigarettes | INFORUM | Fargo, ND

What is The World Health Organization? | TheSleuthJournal

The WHO is very corrupt – the global mother of USA’s AMA. You see, big pharma, FDA, CDC, USDA, DHS (Department of Human Services) are becoming entwined and somewhat merged, causing a complete breakdown of our medical, health and human services systems.
I speculate that the deterioration of all of these organizations from the top down, is due to the WHO’s influence and control in round-about ways. The WHO is just another moving part of the New World Order (NWO); a branch of it, if you will – of which I am sure many will come to me and call me a conspirator for saying such ‘nonsense’. Any organization that seeks global dominance in any way is a dangerous organization, which we should all scrutinize. Not only does WHO wish to control our healthcare, they also wish to control our food supply. This is one avenue where Monsanto comes in. Monsanto is much bigger than most people think and the history goes way back.

What is The World Health Organization? | TheSleuthJournal

» World Health Organization ‘Manufactured’ The Global Swine Flu Scare — Suspected Of Corruption Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

...." It turns out, for example, that many scientists who sit on various committees of WHO, carefully concealed the fact that they receive money from the giant pharmaceutical companies of the world.".....

» World Health Organization ‘Manufactured’ The Global Swine Flu Scare — Suspected Of Corruption Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

WHO corruption « In These New Times


Mega Corruption Scandal At The WHO

WHO Scientists Corruption Scandals Appear Endemic by F. William Engdahl

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ban The Ban Michigan: Land of the Formerly Free?

Ban The Ban Michigan: Land of the Formerly Free?: . “Hey, do what you want-- it’s a free country.” When was the last time you heard that phrase? I used to hear it a lot growing up. It&...

Vineyards in the Valley at Dawn - Lisabelle

Calistoga River Rapids - Lisabelle

Mallard - Lisabelle

Friday, April 18, 2014

If Smokers Vape, Does That Prove Vaping Causes Smoking?

Forbes Magazine has not sold out to Big Pharmaceuticals like 99% of most media has.

If Smokers Vape, Does That Prove Vaping Causes Smoking?

Simon Clark - Taking Liberties - The hypocrisy of Labour MPs

Thursday, April 17, 2014

VPLive Vape Team Episode #103: Liquid Poison

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: ANR Apparently Decides to Keep Defamatory Statemen...

The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: ANR Apparently Decides to Keep Defamatory Statemen...: Last week, I revealed that Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) is making defamatory statements on its web site about electronic ciga...

CASAA: Call to Action! California Ban on Internet Sales ...

CASAA: Call to Action! California Ban on Internet Sales ...: Last updated 4/14/14.   UPDATE 4/14/14:  AB 1500 has been set for a hearing on April 30th, 2014.  Additional details will be p...

CASAA: Call to Action! New York State Bill Would Ban E-Ci...

CASAA: Call to Action! New York State Bill Would Ban E-Ci...: UPDATE 4/8/2014:  AB 8178 passed the Assembly Health Committee and is now pending in the Assembly Codes Committee.  Updated contact infor...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Fight for Your Right to Vape Daily Action Plan: A Tool for Tweet Debates & Posting- Look Up!- You...

Fight for Your Right to Vape Daily Action Plan: A Tool for Tweet Debates & Posting- Look Up!
- You...
: A Tool for Tweet Debates & Posting - Look Up! - You'll see a new page that I hope is useful.  It's the " Tweetable ...

Life on an alien planet: On Rape - and silly people.

Life on an alien planet: On Rape - and silly people.: This poor woman has copped it - Tory councillor sparks outrage by saying 'when rape is inevitable, just lie back and enjoy it' du...

Velvet Glove, Iron Fist: The missing plain packs data

Friday, April 11, 2014

Dick Puddlecote: E-Cigs Ruled Illegal In Australia

"And so, by way of judicial precedent, e-cigs are now ruled illegal in Australia."

Dick Puddlecote: E-Cigs Ruled Illegal In Australia: Those Aussies sure do have a funny interpretation of the word 'health'. From Aussie Vapers : After [HeavenlyVapours.com] had bee...

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

The Libertarian Republic

Monday, April 07, 2014

The Free Society: BBC comment boards show public health has no credibility

PUBLIC HEALTH OBSCONDS with the PUBLIC'S WEALTH via the Junk Science Highway!

The Free Society: BBC comment boards show public health has no credibility

CASAA: CASAA presents at FDA listening session in San Die...

Most Appreciated. Thank You Casaa.org et al

CASAA: CASAA presents at FDA listening session in San Die...: San Diego -- April 5, 2014 The Office of Science in the Center for Tobacco Products held a public listening session , in conjunction with ...

CASAA: Call to Action! New York State Bills Would Impose ...

CASAA: Call to Action! New York State Bills Would Impose ...: ***** Please also be sure to take action against other New York bills that would ban the sale of electronic cigarette liquid and ban e-c...

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Glimpses Through The Mist: CASAA is truly grassroots, not a 'front group'


Glimpses Through The Mist: CASAA is truly grassroots, not a 'front group': I recently came across a blog post about e-cigarettes that had this in the comments: What strikes me about CASAA is that the board is sta...

Glimpses Through The Mist: CASAA is truly grassroots, not a 'front group'

Glimpses Through The Mist: CASAA is truly grassroots, not a 'front group': I recently came across a blog post about e-cigarettes that had this in the comments: What strikes me about CASAA is that the board is sta...

Friday, April 04, 2014

NYC E-Cig Ban - Legal Fund

Ready Aim Fire!

NYC E-Cig Ban - Legal Fund

CASAA: Call to Action! California Ban on Internet Sales ...

more it seems like WAR is eminent.

CASAA: Call to Action! California Ban on Internet Sales ...: California: Bills Would Ban Internet Sales (AB 1500) and Ban E-Cigarette Usage (SB 648)   [ legislative tracking + full text for AB 15...

CASAA: Call to Action! Illinois Bill Would Ban Sale of L...

more...........  It's WAR!

CASAA: Call to Action! Illinois Bill Would Ban Sale of L...: (last updated 4/2/2014) If enacted, HB 5689 would: Require all e-cigarette liquids to be sold in "special packaging" and req...

CASAA: Call to Action! Ohio's Governor Kasich is Proposi...

CASAA: Call to Action! Ohio's Governor Kasich is Proposi...: In search of revenue to fill gaps in a proposal he calls a 'tax reform' package, Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) has proposed taxi...

CASAA: Call to Action! New Jersey's Governor Christie is...

CASAA: Call to Action! New Jersey's Governor Christie is...: (last updated 3/27/2014) New Jersey vapers are now facing four significant threats, including two major tax bills, an outdoor usage ban, ...

vapingpoint: Homeopathy, Magical thinking - anti tobacco scienc...

vapingpoint: Homeopathy, Magical thinking - anti tobacco scienc...: I have been observing anti tobacco science. Magical things are happening! There's the homeopathic effect (commonly used as evidence amm...

Thursday, April 03, 2014

The Free Society: Why e-cigs could be the saviour of ASH