Monday, February 24, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Alarm Bells for E-Cigarettes Premature and Misguided, Siegel Says » SPH | Boston University
Alarm Bells for E-Cigarettes Premature and Misguided, Siegel Says » SPH | Boston University
Thank You Dr. Siegel for your humanitarian stance against the tide of bigotry and greed that promotes anything but for American Tobacco Users who pay to be told how "behaviorially unacceptable they are by taxes that would curl the Fore Father's of this Country if not shake the ground as they turn in their graves! "
Thank You Dr. Siegel for your humanitarian stance against the tide of bigotry and greed that promotes anything but for American Tobacco Users who pay to be told how "behaviorially unacceptable they are by taxes that would curl the Fore Father's of this Country if not shake the ground as they turn in their graves! "
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Dick Puddlecote: Dead Horse Flogging At Its Finest
Dick Puddlecote: Dead Horse Flogging At Its Finest: After an incompetent, tripe-filled flight of laughable fancy on e-cigs earlier in the week, the Guardian have since produced a very balance...
Friday, February 21, 2014
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: Will Stan Glantz Defend His False Accusations, or ...
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: Will Stan Glantz Defend His False Accusations, or ...: As I revealed earlier this week, Stan Glantz has publicly made false accusations which imply that electronic cigarette companies have been ...
Thursday, February 20, 2014
vapingpoint: Go for it Vapoteurs! This is not another bloody pe...
vapingpoint: Go for it Vapoteurs! This is not another bloody pe...: I ask you to share this blog post. This is the situation yesterday, capturing progress with the European Free Vaping Initiative . To get thi...
vapingpoint: Go for it Vapoteurs! This is not another bloody pe...: I ask you to share this blog post. This is the situation yesterday, capturing progress with the European Free Vaping Initiative . To get thi...
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Life on an alien planet: Translucence rising - Placebo means Nocebo too.
Life on an alien planet: Translucence rising - Placebo means Nocebo too.: My wish for 2014 was that truth would rise up as the year progressed. Last night in the UK, we were provided with a program - Horizon: Th...
Monday, February 17, 2014
vapingpoint: Hey EU "***###))))****"
vapingpoint: Hey EU "***###))))****": I felt really good today - I regularly get letters on my YouTube Channel and also on Facebook thanking me for my videos. I have posted vid...
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Dick Puddlecote: Via Glasgow, A Window On The Future Denormalisatio...
FASHION POLICE STATE or FACIST POLICE STATE you be the judge, be careful how you add ress it!
Dick Puddlecote: Via Glasgow, A Window On The Future Denormalisatio...: Last week, TFE pointed out a potential add-on to any legislation tabled on smoking in cars vehicles (inc. yachts, caravans, canal boats) w...
Dick Puddlecote: Via Glasgow, A Window On The Future Denormalisatio...: Last week, TFE pointed out a potential add-on to any legislation tabled on smoking in cars vehicles (inc. yachts, caravans, canal boats) w...
Saturday, February 15, 2014
vapingpoint: Update on my recent letters.....farting against th...
vapingpoint: Update on my recent letters.....farting against th...: In my blog post Want to help? How to write to your EU MEP. Read here I led you to a link where Clive Bates tells us how to protest by writi...
Thursday, February 13, 2014
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: UC Riverside Scientists Release the Results of the...
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: UC Riverside Scientists Release the Results of the...: Scientists from the University of California, Riverside have been funded to the tune of more than $400,000 to conduct research on the effect... Dave Hitt has a lot to say about Studies and what is valid science and what is JUNK and how Big Pharma is the in stink gator!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: Most Recent Data from UK Points to Substantial Pub...
Nails in the COUGHIN
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: Most Recent Data from UK Points to Substantial Pub...: While most anti-smoking organizations continue to oppose electronic cigarettes, warning of the hypothetical risks of these products, new dat...
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary: Most Recent Data from UK Points to Substantial Pub...: While most anti-smoking organizations continue to oppose electronic cigarettes, warning of the hypothetical risks of these products, new dat...
Dick Puddlecote: Wheels Within Wheels
Dick Puddlecote: Wheels Within Wheels: Further to yesterday's article on the stunning level of taxes being wasted by Smokefree South West, comes more evidence that they'v...
Sunday, February 09, 2014
The Totalitarian Crusade Against Second-Hand Smoke -
The Totalitarian Crusade Against Second-Hand Smoke -
The Totalitarian Crusade Against Second-Hand Smoke -
Thursday, February 06, 2014
Dick Puddlecote: Audit Trail Of A Public Health Lie
Dick Puddlecote: Audit Trail Of A Public Health Lie: From imagination to finished article, here is a perfect example of a tobacco control industry lie. Back in 2010, California's Tobacco-...